PlayStation 4 - Guerilla Advertising

The brief:

What is wanted?
The purpose of the advertising is to increase the share of voice for the PlayStation 4 while creating positive brand associations and generating word of mouth. The campaign should then generate free media coverage to increase the visibility of the brand and to create a strong connection between the innovative nature of the type of advertising used and the PlayStation Brand. The consumer should perceive PlayStation as being tuned to their needs, innovative, creative and clever.

Who is targeted?
The target is very wide in order to reflect the broadening definition of gamers in terms of both age and gender. As such, while the primary target audience will be males aged 18-32, the secondary audience will consist of both males and females aged 16-40 who either already own a PlayStation console or a competitor’s console. They have an interest in technology and appreciate innovation and creativity when deciding between brands.

The creative:

1. Street Crossings - Place a model of a PS4 Controller at signalised pedestrian crossings on top of the button you need to press to signal that you want to cross the road. The button would be the start button present on the PS4 Controllers and the slogan would be along the lines of “PS4 - We’ll take you anywhere”. This idea would be beneficial for the campaign because of the very high traffic associated with pedestrian crossings as a place where people gather and wait. Furthermore, the idea of pushing a button to cross the street is a very congruent one with the idea of video gaming being an escapist activity and can serve as a metaphor for our product. That button on a pole will help you cross the street. That button on a PS4 controller will help you explore new worlds and realities and they both start with the simple push of a button.

2. Bus stops - Convert bus stops into fictional gaming areas - replace benches with gaming chairs and tilt them slightly backwards so that their field of view is lifted.  The twist would be that, in preparation of the campaign, photographs of the view from those bus stops would be taken and edited, enhanced with digital techniques made to look surreal and  incredible compared to the, possibly, dull reality of what’s actually in front of the people waiting for the bus. Then, this panoramic view would be placed right underneath the ceiling and right above the view with the message: “PlayStation 4- And your world will never be the same again. “
As is the case with the street crossing, bus stops are also places where people gather and have to wait, often bored and looking for any distraction. Offering them exactly what they are looking for in a surprising way is, potentially, not only a great opportunity to promote the product through a type of augmented reality techniques but it is also a very likely  way of generating  word of mouth and considerable free media coverage.

3. Toilets - In restaurant and pub toilets attach templates to the mirrors, making them look like gaming user interfaces, as if creating a new profile for a game. In the centre, where the virtual face of a character in the game would be you have the reflection of the person. On the left there are personal specifications like age - doesn’t matter, height - tall enough to reach the TV stand, eyes - functional, hair - not in your eyes and under the image of the person you have the occupation - Gamer. The slogan: “PS4 - Get in character!” This follows the idea advertisers have had in the past to advertise in public toilets as they are places where people have to go and spend time in while, usually, looking around for things to read in an attempt to make time go by faster. This sort of distraction is guaranteed to draw a lot of attention, become a subject of discussion when people go out and, hopefully, create memorable and positive associations with the brand.
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Playstation 4 - Radio Adverts

Advertising brief

This is a brief for an advertising campaign covering the launch of the new PlayStation 4. The ads are addressed to a 18-34 male audience who either already own a PlayStation console or a competitor’s console. The PlayStation 4 brings considerable improvements to the gaming experience and stands to be one of the biggest launches of 2013.

The purpose of the campaign is to inform the market about the launch and create buzz and anticipation regarding the PS4. The desired objectives include reaching 85% of the target audience, 60% recall of the campaign and 50% positive attitude, making the PS4 a must-have enhancement to family life. This should translate into a 25% purchase intention amongst the target market within the first month of the campaign.

Therefore, the concepts for a series of 3 radio adverts are detailed below for your review.

Advert 1  

The advert starts with a war drum beat. An appropriate voice for the genre would be used to narrate the advert, such as Patrick Stewart or Sir Ian McKellen. The tone and pace would begin low, gradually increase and peak at the 6th verse after which it would go back down, to a soft but deep chant.   

“A new days dawns, old friend.
Your quest has just begun
Your enemies are near
Your heart is burning like the sun.

So gather all your forces
And sharpen sword and mind
For in the nearing darkness
I don’t know what you’ll find…”

After the chant ends, the voice would change to a very soft and whispered female voice saying:

“Playstation 4 is coming soon… and your world will never be the same.”           

Advert 2

The advert starts with static, 5 seconds of it. Then, an electronic sound can be heard, like a connection was established. In the background, various mechanical sounds can be heard, cogs turning, metal clinching, welding sparks, things interlocking, etc.
A female electronic voice then says:

 “Database connected, Syncing … New user detected, creating new profile. Profile created… Welcome! You have just joined the most extensive virtual environment entertainment system ever created. Please press any key to start…”

“PlayStation 4… Get in character!”

Advert 3

Short burst of static breaks the silence and then a rugged man’s voice is heard from a background of explosions and gunfire. The tone and pitch are elevated – the man is in distress.

“Hello! Is anybody there?! I don’t even know if this thing’s working… Damn it! (Sound of a fist hitting a table) Please, if anyone is out there, I need help! I don’t know how many of them are out there… I might be the last one alive… PLEASE! SAVE ME!” – the voice fades from a scream into nothingness and the sound  of a heart beat covers the background noise.

A female voice now takes over. Cold and mechanical it says: “He is just one of many. Our resources are depleting, morale is low and heroes are hard to find. We need you now, more than ever. Will you help?”

“PlayStation 4… Get in character!”                                                            
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PlayStation 4 - Print ads

Advertising brief

This is a brief for an advertising campaign covering the launch of the new PlayStation 4. The ads are addressed to a 18-34 male audience who either already own a PlayStation console or a competitor’s console. The PlayStation 4 brings considerable improvements to the gaming experience and stands to be one of the biggest launches of 2013.

The purpose of the campaign is to inform the market about the launch and create buzz and anticipation regarding the PS4. The desired objectives include reaching 85% of the target audience, 60% recall of the campaign and 50% positive attitude, making the PS4 a must-have enhancement to family life. This should translate into a 25% purchase intention amongst the target market within the first month of the campaign. 

1. Stars have been a symbol for one's dreams and desires for a long time. This advert plays on that symbolism by suggesting that Playstation will offer you an experience where anything you dream of can come true, even if it's just virtual, of course.

2. So much of life, nowadays, revolves around the future and what it will bring. Especially as a technology provider, it is important to make it clear that you are a part of the future and make customers feel and truly believe that, through buying your products, they can be a part of the future as well. The comparison is used to create contrast and empower the message: what was... and what we offer.

3. The first generations of video-gamers are getting older and many have either started a family or are planning on starting one. This trend has considerable significance as it gives the opportunity to move onto a new market and seize the opportunity of playing on the bond between gamers and their children and, hopefully, establishing teaching your child how to play video-games as a tradition which PlayStation is a part of.

4. Technology is moving at ever-growing speeds and, with recent developments such as Google Glass or the first basic, yet promising, on-retina led display, the client's imagination is stimulated and can be easily captured. The promise is simple, we will provide the newest technology as soon as it becomes available. 

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Bucharest never sleeps

Bucharest is the cultural, financial and municipal capital of Romania. Being nicknamed the “Little Paris” due to its elegant and impressive historic architecture and the glamour of Bucharest’s Elite, the city is now a thriving and active European capital – famed for its great night-life, strong cultural heritage and great music.
Bucharest Palace of Justice

Being the most prosperous city in Romania, Bucharest has most of the commodities you would expect from any European capital but, unlike other European capitals, it can also offer some of the best and high quality entertainment, cuisine and venues at a much lower cost. As a result, Bucharest has become an increasingly attractive destination for tourists, also due to factors such as the high percentage of English speakers, the low criminality and the presence of one of the largest and most affordable public transport networks in Europe.

Palace of the Parliament
Most of the entertainment and night-life of Bucharest is focused around two clusters, the Historical Centre and the Regie, a largely Student-populated area due to its vicinity to several university campuses. Some of the strongest musical genres found in the city include electronic music – with some of the best electronic music clubs in Europe being hosted in Bucharest – rock music, including Romanian Folk bands and modern-age rock, rap music as well as Jazz and Blues – which have become increasingly popular and have led to the creation of the Bucharest International Jazz festival.
Bucharest is also home to a number of landmarks and monuments with one of the most prominent being the Palace of the Parliament (unofficially called the House of the People – a communist-era vestige) which was, when it was built in the 80’s, the largest building in the world. However, Bucharest is a hybrid of modern, communist, medieval and neo-classical architecture and, as such, has an incredibly diverse and eclectic scenery.

Bucharest Historical Centre
Furthermore, Bucharest is literally a city that never sleeps. With clubs and bars being open as late as 06:00 AM, beer festivals, music festivals, museum festivals street performers, park recitals or just a live jazz band at the nearby terrace, there is definitely enough variety in Bucharest to make anyone’s experience an amazing one. 
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Napolina, the versatility of Tomato

One of the harsh but very true statements I have heard from my university lecturers was that it is easy to advertise for big, posh, aspirational brands. More money is available for their advertising, they often embody strong emotional metaphors and, because of their aspirational nature, people will pay attention to them.
A probably more difficult challenge is to create a powerful message for boring products which, by themselves, may not carry any meaning regarding a consumer’s status, beliefs, or personality and may be very hard to distinguish from their competitors. That being said, the product we’re going to try and redesign, from an advertising perspective, is… Napolina!
Napolina’s range of chopped and peeled tomatoes, as well as their tomato pastes and pasatta’s distinguishes itself on the basis that it is Italian. However, because of the nature of the product, taking a more direct approach in suggesting a strong connection between the product and Italian-related associations might prove to be beneficial. Since it’s a low involvement product, a message that is too obscure, discrete or abstract might just be disregarded.
Italy, as a symbol, has many strong associations linked to it. With ambassadors like fashion, cuisine and politics carrying those associations throughout the world, they become embedded in the minds of consumers and serve to add to the heuristic map by which they give meaning to the world around them. This offers an incredible opportunity for Napolina, which hasn’t really taken enough advantage of its Italian heritage to boost its profile and sales to full potential.   

1.      The Italian boot

This ad uses the strong colours of the Italian flag, together with a black background, to create a strong and colourful contrast that serves to grab attention. The colours of the Italian flag also resonate very well with the product. Green is often used to suggest freshness, youth, health and natural while red, besides being the colour of tomatoes, is also commonly associated with passion and sex and serves to further draw the audience due to its common use as a cue to indicate something of high importance.
The boot squashing the tomato plays a dual role since, on the one hand, it reinforces the identity of the product due to Italy being said to resemble a boot and, on the other hand, the type of boot and the fact that it is squashing a tomato is suggestive of bondage or S&M sexual practices and serves to tap into the viewer’s inner impulses and desires.  Furthermore, the need for food and sex are deeply embedded in our nature, a fact which creates a strong bond between the two.
The only copy used is the slogan, which feeds on the elements described above and which is self-explanatory.

2.      The stomping
You are outside in the Italian countryside, surrounded by clear blue skies while the warm, radiant sun caresses your face. All around you, the only things you can see for miles are green-fielded hills with small villages and crops on top, giving the whole scenery a strong, rural and cosy feeling of peacefulness and joy. In front of you are two Italian women: dark hair, olive-tanned skin, beautiful, with bare feet, jumping and stomping tomatoes in a large wooden vat. For one split second, time seems to stop and you can see the women frozen in the air, right before falling back down to stomp the tomatoes. Their hair loose, their faces covered in radiating smiles and their hands holding.
                That split second is then captured and framed. In the bottom of the capture, the slogan and brand reveal themselves: "Napolina – Feed your dreams…"

3.      The Mafioso
You are in a dark dead-end alley at night, with walls behind you, left and right. The only distinguishable source of light is a neon Italian flag in the window of a shop, far in the background. In front of you is an Italian mobster with a cigar in his mouth. He grins at you while holding a gun in one hand and a can of Napolina chopped tomatoes in the other.
The slogan states: "Napolina – I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse."

4.      On the catwalk
A stylish fashion event has drawn a large crowd around the catwalk. Journalists, critics, designers and other industry VIPs are attending. Models come and go, showing the newest and most outrageous collections to the delight of the audience. Suddenly, something happens! Everybody rushes to get closer to the catwalk, journalists flash their cameras to get a better shot, screams and excitement fill the room. On the tip of the catwalk and in the middle of the commotion, a tomato with a stylish large and a ribbon with the Italian flag basks in all the attention.
The slogan: "Napolina – Never goes out of style"

5.      Italy… in a CAN!
The last idea attempts to target a different audience, looking to grab the attention of the younger consumer.
                A pizza, a bowl of pasta and a serving of risotto are pictured together. The headline asking: “What do they have in common?” In the bottom of the frame, the copy states: “They are delicious, they are Italian, they are Napolina.“

Thank you for taking the time to check out my ideas. In the process of coming up with these ideas, many didn't make the cut because they did not maintain the USP. However, some of them might be quite good and will be posted later on, in a separate post. 

Have a great day :)
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