Playstation 4 - Radio Adverts

Advertising brief

This is a brief for an advertising campaign covering the launch of the new PlayStation 4. The ads are addressed to a 18-34 male audience who either already own a PlayStation console or a competitor’s console. The PlayStation 4 brings considerable improvements to the gaming experience and stands to be one of the biggest launches of 2013.

The purpose of the campaign is to inform the market about the launch and create buzz and anticipation regarding the PS4. The desired objectives include reaching 85% of the target audience, 60% recall of the campaign and 50% positive attitude, making the PS4 a must-have enhancement to family life. This should translate into a 25% purchase intention amongst the target market within the first month of the campaign.

Therefore, the concepts for a series of 3 radio adverts are detailed below for your review.

Advert 1  

The advert starts with a war drum beat. An appropriate voice for the genre would be used to narrate the advert, such as Patrick Stewart or Sir Ian McKellen. The tone and pace would begin low, gradually increase and peak at the 6th verse after which it would go back down, to a soft but deep chant.   

“A new days dawns, old friend.
Your quest has just begun
Your enemies are near
Your heart is burning like the sun.

So gather all your forces
And sharpen sword and mind
For in the nearing darkness
I don’t know what you’ll find…”

After the chant ends, the voice would change to a very soft and whispered female voice saying:

“Playstation 4 is coming soon… and your world will never be the same.”           

Advert 2

The advert starts with static, 5 seconds of it. Then, an electronic sound can be heard, like a connection was established. In the background, various mechanical sounds can be heard, cogs turning, metal clinching, welding sparks, things interlocking, etc.
A female electronic voice then says:

 “Database connected, Syncing … New user detected, creating new profile. Profile created… Welcome! You have just joined the most extensive virtual environment entertainment system ever created. Please press any key to start…”

“PlayStation 4… Get in character!”

Advert 3

Short burst of static breaks the silence and then a rugged man’s voice is heard from a background of explosions and gunfire. The tone and pitch are elevated – the man is in distress.

“Hello! Is anybody there?! I don’t even know if this thing’s working… Damn it! (Sound of a fist hitting a table) Please, if anyone is out there, I need help! I don’t know how many of them are out there… I might be the last one alive… PLEASE! SAVE ME!” – the voice fades from a scream into nothingness and the sound  of a heart beat covers the background noise.

A female voice now takes over. Cold and mechanical it says: “He is just one of many. Our resources are depleting, morale is low and heroes are hard to find. We need you now, more than ever. Will you help?”

“PlayStation 4… Get in character!”                                                            
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